The Countdown to None Virtual 5k is more than just a 5K. Countdown to none promotes positive change in the T1D world each and every day
a positive face on T1D, Increasing awareness and supporting research and need
Unfortunately, most of the world usually connects Type 1 Diabetes with its distant companion, Type 2 Diabetes, even though they have very little in common. Countdown To None is dismissing the misconception that all types of diabetes include obesity and unhealthy habits, starting right in our community. By creating a running race we link T1D to something athletic and active, showing people that type 1 diabetics are just as healthy and able as everyone else without the disease.
Through events and fundraisers, Countdown To None is spreading awareness of T1D. Unfortunately, most people unaffected by the disease know very little about T1D. A large part in finding a cure is informing communities and others who could help, so that is what we strive to do.
Every dollar of profit from our events goes straight to JDRF, a global organization whose mission is to create "a world without Type 1 Diabetes" as well as local doctors to help Type One families in need in our community. To learn more about JDRF research at